The First Cleo Skirt

Yesterday I carved out time to try a new pattern! I love the idea of buying others pattern designs and building my handmade wardrobe. But, I generally have a harder time following someone else directions! I'll admit that I all too often start off following a pattern and then half way through throw it out the door and wing the rest. I do this, not because I think I know best, but because I get to a point in the pattern where I literally can't make sense of how it will piece together. That uncertainty spins me into a mental frenzy and I bail.

However, I don't recommend this practice. By winging it you're missing out on the magic of seeing and understanding how garments can be constructed beyond your own ideas.

As I type this, I'm certain that a few failed sewing pattern attempts have jaded me. Have you ever purchased an indie pattern that made no sense? Or was poorly produced, written, or just plain ass backward? (Raised hand) I have. Just like with anything you buy, my gram always says, "You get for, what you paid."

Enter the Cleo skirt, a pattern produced by Rae of Made By Rae. With a few easy clicks, I purchased that PDF and got started piecing the pattern together. I have big plans for this pattern- but before I get myself all invested in another project I thought it would be best to see how it whips up.

I reached for this multicolored vintage ikat fabric- it was a recent flea market score. Do you know how ikat textiles are made? These threads are actually dyed BEFORE being woven. I know I know, my mind is twisting already! Talent. Here's a great explaination to the history of Ikat.

I promised myself to follow Rae's pattern all the through and at the end of the day I have a great skirt! The pattern offers two options, I opted for view A. It came together seamlessly! I'm 5'8" so for the next version I will add two inches of length to the skirt and remove some of the fabric to reduce bulk. I consider myself to be a spoon shape and mama doesn't need any help in the hips!! Moral of the story... there will be more Cleo skirts in my future.

I think the next pattern I want to tackle is the Olaf Tank. Hahaha, okay that's not REALLY what it's called but that's what I have it associated with in my brain. Summer & airy tanks- any recommendations?

Do you prefer to sew your own clothes from exsisting patterns, refashion clothing, or draft your own pattern? What at the patterns you reach for again and again?
