Create Change on Kickstarter

If you've been following along as I've revealed my top secret plans to change the world, you already know the fundamentals for the Create Change App. A free app that will give you inspiration and know how to repurpose items that we otherwise would throw away... into our landfills. I've spent countless hours researching EPA statistics and even hung out at the Central Kentucky Landfill: where 70% of the items can be recycled or reused. It's crazy to think that we throw so much away without ever wondering how it might affect our future generations.
Don't be fooled, our waste/consumption problem is affecting us right now. Did you know that babies are born with over 250 industrial chemicals already in their bodies? This is a direct result of environmental pollution. 

The Create Change app will revolutionize the way we view our trash and instigate a movement to change the way we consume and create. While we may not be able to completely eliminate the garbage coming out of our homes, if we find creative ways to reuse materials (along with recycling) we will cut back on the amount of trash we produce while injecting color, textures, and wonder into our lives and communities. We all know that we should reduce our consumption, reuse what we have, and recycle the rest. So why is it so difficult? It doesn't have to be: Create Change makes it fun & easy. With innovative DIY tutorials accessible at your fingertips, you'll be able to find inspiration wherever trash happens.
I've launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the development of this app- which will be available on iphone and android markets. If your not familiar with Kickstarter- its a crowd funding platform. You can back a project at various levels (for as little as $1!) and you are not charged until the project ends & only if the goal is met. We have until August 29th to raise $17,000! Interested? For supporting the project you are showered with limited edition collaborations from a few of my favorite handmade artisans!

What? Did I just say $17K? I know it sounds outrageous- but the cost of app development is. One company actually quoted me more than $50,000!
I'm always curious about where the money goes when I back a project, and it's important to me to that you understand the budget & know exactly what you are funding.
$12,000 design and development of the app. The app will be available on both android and iphone platforms. 
A little more than $2,000 budgeted for backer rewards + shipping costs
Approximately $1,700 in fees (paid to Kickstarter + Amazon) 
$1,000 for build costs
Keep in mind the tutorials featured in this app are all going to be original content. The build costs include investment in tools and materials. I've invested my time and skills to this project and have team of volunteers to help create. This budget is the bare minimum needed to launch the Create Change App. Any amount raised over the goal will be used to give the Create Change Movement a permanent website home, plan live events in YOUR town, host a launch party and possibly treat the team of volunteers to dinner and wine!

Send out some tweet and tell the world we're ready to create change. 


  1. Honey, Wish I could afford to help BUT you know my situation but you have my everlasting love and pride in knowing you and your beautiful family What is it worth $0000

  2. Keep on revolutioning, my lovely friend - your neverending energy, incredible spirit and sheer determination is going to bring about GREAT things ;-)

  3. Thank you Geri! Your words & continued support validate the countless hours that are spent, together we are making a difference!! XOX

  4. Hello from a Louisville native! Our crew out here in Seattle is a few weeks away from launching a similair app and would love to join forces with you. Stop by when you have a moment to peruse our blog and app walkthrough. We look forward to speaking with you!

    1. Hey there Scott! Let me know what the best way to reach you- I would love to connect.


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