Celebrate America Recycles Day

I spent some time today in the land of Twitter promoting and connecting with others to celebrate America Recycles Day! You can join along or catch up later- follow #americarecyclesday

Some of my favorite tweets today: 

@moffitthvac Who knew? "A new aluminum can be back on the store shelf in as few as 60 days." bit.ly/pRdS25 Thinking Green for #AmericaRecyclesDay

@mpbaldauf Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees. Recycle! #americarecyclesday

@EPAresearch: Did u know (on average) each person in US generates 3.4 pounds of waste a day! #AmericaRecyclesDay Recycling info: bit.ly/tUoI4q

@MotherNatureNet: 6 works of art made from recycled 'trash' bit.ly/of4ML5

How did you celebrate America Recycles Day? Late edition edit- I am so excited to share this fabulous Etsy gift guide too!
