The ReUsers Guide To Green Living

Green is Universal partnered up Etsy to share the Art of ReUse. Plastic bags, furniture, electronics, ..even your old toothbrush - almost anything can be ReUsed. So before you put something in the trash or the recycling bin, check the ReUser's Guide to find simple and creative ways you can give your unwanted items a second life.

 They opened up the contest for submissions, and you bet I jumped right in! The voting begins today, so please stop by, browse, and vote! (You must register and its free plus you can be entered to win a $500 shopping spree from Etsy!)

My Tshirt Yarn Bowl Submission
My Flannel Shirt Cuff Wallet Submission
also check out:

Here are some of my favorite- If you get a chance to stop in link me back or tell me what some of your favorites are too!

Revv'd up hot rod jewelry by Alicia Hanson

recycled handmade paper bowl by Sarah Knight

Chair made of shipping Pallet by Stephan Vigues


  1. Hi,

    Good luck with the contest !
    Lets see if your recycling and creative efforts compensate you with $500 :-)


  2. I love the hot rod jewelry too Doreen! And José thanks so very much for wishing me luck. If I win $500 I'll buy you something nice. So come back and visit often :)

  3. There are so many great ideas on it. Yours Rocked!


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